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FS2004 is a flight simulator video game made by Microsoft in 2004. It is the tenth in the series of releases under the name "Microsoft Flight Simulator". FS2004 features a realistic recreation of Earth, including aerial views, countries, cities, landmarks and scenery. Detailed airports are also included with real-world runways and taxiways. The gameplay is mainly centered on piloting aircrafts . The player has to manage various tasks like take-off , landing or even emergency situations for example if an aircraft loses one engine or hits another plane while landing . The player's performance when piloting an aircraft will affect his/her level in the game and rank it up . The player can fly around in single player mode or can play with other gamers in multiplayer mode . Players also have the option to create their own planes with designs and textures available in the game or download designs from other sources that are not available in-game .As FS2004 does not support Windows XP , the game will be run under compatibility mode. After running the game for the first time, you will need to patch it . The patch will update various components including improving frame rates and gameplay performance. The patch is available on many web sites including Microsoft's official game site. It is highly recommended that you apply this patch before starting gameplay otherwise your game may crash. After installing the patch, you may need to go into settings. On the Video tab check the box next to "Use DirectX 9". You can configure your computer's hardware and software in order to get a better frame rate while playing FS2004. The recommended specs for playing FS2004 are: There are multiple ways of getting more RAM and/or upgrading your existing RAM: Alternatively, you might want to use a 2GB card. The latest and greatest graphics cards can handle FS2004 with ease and should be able to play with any texture settings at 8192 x 8192 resolution without any FPS drops or CPU based CPU usage issues. It is also recommended to disable FS9 and simply use Fs2004 and FS9 can combine your resources. ***Please note the latest graphics cards will not always help you in gaming unless you have a powerful CPU. 256 MB or less: It is recommended to install the game with 512MB RAM because of the lower memory overhead it has which helps contribute towards faster frame rates. Also if your computer can handle going above 640x480 resolution, this might be a wiser choice for you. The only drawback is that you cannot run at 8192 x 8192 without a drop in frame rates or CPU utilization issues. We strongly suggest that you start at 640 x 480 resolution with the lowest textures possible. 512 MB or more: This is the most optimal choice for all modern computers. You can run at 8192 x 8192 without any stray FPS drops or CPU based CPU usage issues. Also running at 8192 x 8192 will not result in any texture issues. Enjoy FS2004 without stuttering or performance issues! 1 GB RAM: If you have 7-10 GB of memory, this is the most recommended choice for playing FS2004 with unlimited FPS and fine quality textures. cfa1e77820